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<p pageid="5" ns="0" title="Bo3b's School for Shaderhackers" />
<p pageid="79" ns="0" title="Canonical Stereo Code" />
<p pageid="141" ns="0" title="DarkStarSword example fixes" />
<p pageid="52" ns="0" title="Default DX9Settings.ini" />
<p pageid="115" ns="0" title="Driver Profile Settings" />
<p pageid="157" ns="0" title="Fixing bookmarks" />
<p pageid="80" ns="0" title="Game Fixing Strategy" />
<p pageid="63" ns="0" title="HelixMod Feature List" />
<p pageid="51" ns="0" title="Hot tips" />
<p pageid="10" ns="0" title="Lesson 0" />