
From Bo3b's School for Shaderhackers
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Lesson 0

Before installing HelixMod Wrapper: TheBall before.jpg

After installing HelixMod Wrapper: TheBall after.jpg

Lesson 1

Before removing the lens flare: TheBall01 before.jpg

After removing the lens flare: TheBall02 after.jpg

The vertex shader that controls is:

// Generated by Microsoft (R) HLSL Shader Compiler 9.27.952.3022
// Parameters:
//   float4 CameraPosition;
//   float4 CameraRight;
//   float4 CameraUp;
//   float3 ExponentialFogColor;
//   float3 ExponentialFogLightVector;
//   float3 ExponentialFogParameters;
//   float4 FogDistanceScale;
//   float4 FogExtinctionDistance;
//   float4 FogInScattering[4];
//   float4 FogMaxHeight;
//   float4 FogMinHeight;
//   float4 FogStartDistance;
//   float3 LightInscatteringColor;
//   float4x4 LocalToWorld;
//   float4x4 ViewProjectionMatrix;
//   float bUseExponentialHeightFog;
// Registers:
//   Name                      Reg   Size
//   ------------------------- ----- ----
//   ViewProjectionMatrix      c0       4
//   CameraPosition            c4       1
//   LocalToWorld              c6       4
//   FogInScattering           c10      4
//   CameraRight               c14      1
//   CameraUp                  c15      1
//   bUseExponentialHeightFog  c16      1
//   ExponentialFogParameters  c17      1
//   ExponentialFogColor       c18      1
//   LightInscatteringColor    c19      1
//   ExponentialFogLightVector c20      1
//   FogDistanceScale          c21      1
//   FogExtinctionDistance     c22      1
//   FogStartDistance          c23      1
//   FogMinHeight              c24      1
//   FogMaxHeight              c25      1

    def c5, 0.00100000005, 1, 0, -1
    def c26, 0.159154937, 0.5, 6.28318548, -3.14159274
    dcl_position v0
    dcl_tangent v1
    dcl_blendweight v2
    dcl_texcoord v3
    dcl_texcoord1 v4
    dcl_texcoord2 v5
    dcl_texcoord o0.xy
    dcl_texcoord1 o1
    dcl_texcoord2 o2
    dcl_texcoord4 o3
    dcl_texcoord5 o4
    dcl_texcoord6 o5
    dcl_position o6
    mul r0, c7, v0.y
    mad r0, c6, v0.x, r0
    mad r0, c8, v0.z, r0
    mad r0, c9, v0.w, r0
    mad r1.x, v2.x, c26.x, c26.y
    frc r1.x, r1.x
    mad r1.x, r1.x, c26.z, c26.w
    sincos r2.xy, r1.x
    mul r1, r2.y, c14
    mad r1, -r2.x, c15, r1
    mul r3, r2.x, c14
    mad r2, r2.y, c15, r3
    mul r3.xy, v1.zwzw, v1
    add, -c26.y, v3.xyxy
    mul r3.xy, r3.zwzw, r3
    mad r0, r3.x, r1, r0
    mad r0, r3.y, r2, r0
    mul, r1.zxyw, r2.yzxw
    mad, r1.yzxw, r2.zxyw, -r3
    nrm, r3
    mul r3, r0.y, c1
    mad r3, c0, r0.x, r3
    mad r3, c2, r0.z, r3
    mad r3, c3, r0.w, r3
    mad, r0, -c4.w, c4
    dp3 o5.x, r1, r5
    dp3 o5.y, r2, r5
    dp3 o5.z, r4, r5
    abs r0.w, c16.x
    if_lt -r0.w, r0.w
      add, r0, -c4
      dp3 r0.w, r1, r1
      rsq r0.w, r0.w
      rcp r1.w, r0.w
      mul r1.w, r1.w, c17.x
      slt r2.x, c5.x, r1_abs.z
      mul r2.y, r1.z, -c17.y
      exp r2.y, r2.y
      add r2.y, -r2.y, c5.y
      mul r2.z, r1.z, c17.y
      rcp r2.z, r2.z
      mul r2.y, r2.z, r2.y
      mad r2.y, r1.w, r2.y, -r1.w
      mad r1.w, r2.x, r2.y, r1.w
      mul, r0.w, r1
      dp3 r0.w, c20, r1
      slt r1.x, r0.w, c17.z
      mov, c18
      add, r2, c19
      mul, r4, c26.y
      add r1.y, r0.w, c5.y
      mov r6.y, c5.y
      add r1.z, r6.y, c17.z
      rcp r1.z, r1.z
      mul_sat r1.y, r1.z, r1.y
      mad, r4, c26.y, -r2
      mad, r1.y, r2, c18
      add r0.w, r0.w, -c17.z
      add r1.y, r6.y, -c17.z
      rcp r1.y, r1.y
      mul_sat r0.w, r0.w, r1.y
      mul r0.w, r0.w, r0.w
      mov r1.y, c26.y
      mad, r4, -r1.y, c19
      mad, r0.w, r4, r5
      lrp, r1.x, r2, r4
      exp r0.w, -r1.w
      min r0.w, r0.w, c5.y
      add r1.x, -r0.w, c5.y
      mul, r1.x, r5
      mov o3.w, r0.w
      add, r0, -c4
      dp3 r0.x, r0, r0
      rsq r0.x, r0.x
      rcp r0.x, r0.x
      mov r1.z, c4.z
      add r2, -r1.z, c24
      sge r0.y, c5.x, r0_abs.z
      lrp r1.x, r0.y, c5.x, r0.z
      rcp r0.y, r1.x
      mul_sat r2, r0.y, r2
      add r1, -r1.z, c25
      mul_sat r1, r0.y, r1
      add r0, r0.x, -c23
      max r0, r0, c5.z
      add r1, -r2, r1
      mul r0, r0, r1_abs
      slt r1, r0, c22
      mul r0, r0, c21
      exp r2.x, r0.x
      exp r2.y, r0.y
      exp r2.z, r0.z
      exp r2.w, r0.w
      mul r0, r1, r2
      mad r1, r1, r2, c5.w
      mul, r1.x, c10
      mov r2.w, r0.x
      mul r2, r0.y, r2
      mad, r1.y, c11, r2
      mul r2, r0.z, r2
      mad, r1.z, c12, r2
      mul r0, r0.w, r2
      mad, r1.w, c13, r0
      mov o3.w, r0.w
    mov o0.xy, v3
    mov o1, v4
    mov o2, v5
    mov o4, r3
    mov o5.w, c5.y
    mov o6, r3

// approximately 123 instruction slots used

Lesson 2

Before removing the Pixel + Vertex Shader TheBall before effects.jpg Vertex Shader as above (Lesson 1).
Pixel Shader:

// Generated by Microsoft (R) HLSL Shader Compiler 9.27.952.3022
// Parameters:
//   float4 MinZ_MaxZRatio;
//   float NvStereoEnabled;
//   sampler2D NvStereoFixTexture;
//   sampler2D SceneColorTexture;
//   float4 ScreenPositionScaleBias;
//   sampler2D Texture2D_0;
//   sampler2D Texture2D_1;
//   sampler2D Texture2D_2;
//   sampler2D Texture2D_3;
//   float UniformPixelScalar_17;
//   float UniformPixelScalar_18;
//   float UniformPixelScalar_20;
//   float UniformPixelScalar_21;
//   float4 UniformPixelVector_0;
//   float4 UniformPixelVector_1;
//   float4 UniformPixelVector_2;
//   float4 UniformPixelVector_3;
//   float4 UniformPixelVector_4;
// Registers:
//   Name                    Reg   Size
//   ----------------------- ----- ----
//   UniformPixelVector_0    c0       1
//   ScreenPositionScaleBias c1       1
//   MinZ_MaxZRatio          c2       1
//   NvStereoEnabled         c3       1
//   UniformPixelVector_1    c4       1
//   UniformPixelVector_2    c5       1
//   UniformPixelVector_3    c6       1
//   UniformPixelVector_4    c7       1
//   UniformPixelScalar_17   c8       1
//   UniformPixelScalar_18   c9       1
//   UniformPixelScalar_20   c10      1
//   UniformPixelScalar_21   c11      1
//   SceneColorTexture       s0       1
//   NvStereoFixTexture      s1       1
//   Texture2D_0             s2       1
//   Texture2D_1             s3       1
//   Texture2D_2             s4       1
//   Texture2D_3             s5       1

    def c12, 1.5, 1, 0.5, -1
    def c13, 0, 2, 0.100000001, 1
    def c14, 8, 0.800000012, 0.0625, 0
    def c15, 65503, 512, -0.00100000005, 1000
    dcl_texcoord4 v0
    dcl_texcoord5 v1.xyw
    dcl_texcoord v3.xy
    dcl_2d s0
    dcl_2d s1
    dcl_2d s2
    dcl_2d s3
    dcl_2d s4
    dcl_2d s5
    nrm, v2
    mad, r0.z, c13.xxyw, -r0
    mov, c12
    add_pp, r1, c0
    mov r2.xy, c4
    mad r2.xy, v3, r2, c5
    texld r2, r2, s2
    mov r3.xy, c6
    mad r2.xz, v3.xyyw, r3.xyyw, c7.xyyw
    texld r3, r2.xzzw, s3
    mad r0.w, r2.y, r3.y, c13.z
    mad r0.w, r0.w, c12.x, c12.w
    mov r1.w, c13.w
    mad r0.w, c8.x, r0.w, r1.w
    add r0.z, r0.z, c14.x
    mul r0.z, r0.z, c14.y
    rsq r0.z, r0.z
    mad r2.x, r0.x, r0.z, c12.z
    mov r2.y, v3.y
    texld r2, r2, s4
    mad r0.xy, r0, r0.z, c12.z
    texld r3, r0, s5
    mul r0.x, r2.x, r3.x
    mul r0.x, r0.x, r0.w
    mul r0.x, r0.x, c9.x
    mul r0.y, c10.x, v1.w
    min r2.x, r0.y, c13.w
    mul r0.x, r0.x, r2.x
    abs r0.y, c3.x
    if_ne c3.x, -c3.x
      texld r2, c14.zwzw, s1
      add r0.z, -r2.y, v1.w
      mad r2.x, r2.x, r0.z, v1.x
      mov r2.yz, v1.xyww
      mov, c13.x
    cmp r0.yzw, -r0.y, v1.xxyw, r2.xxyz
    rcp r0.w, r0.w
    mul r0.yz, r0.w, r0
    mad r0.yz, r0, c1.xxyw, c1.xwzw
    texld_pp r2, r0.yzzw, s0
    min_pp r0.y, r2.w, c15.x
    mad r0.y, r0.y, c2.z, -c2.w
    rcp_pp r0.y, r0.y
    add r0.z, r1.w, -c11.x
    mul r0.w, r0.z, c15.y
    add r0.y, r0.y, -v1.w
    mad r0.z, r0.z, c15.y, c15.z
    rcp r0.w, r0.w
    cmp r0.z, r0.z, r0.w, c15.w
    mul_sat r0.y, r0.z, r0.y
    mul_pp oC0.w, r0.y, r0.x
    mad_pp, r1, v0.w, v0
// approximately 58 instruction slots used (6 texture, 52 arithmetic)

After removing/fixing the Pixel + Vertex Shader TheBall after effects.jpg

Vertex Shade:

// Generated by Microsoft (R) HLSL Shader Compiler 9.27.952.3022
// Parameters:
//   float4 CameraPosition;
//   float4 CameraRight;
//   float4 CameraUp;
//   float3 ExponentialFogColor;
//   float3 ExponentialFogLightVector;
//   float3 ExponentialFogParameters;
//   float4 FogDistanceScale;
//   float4 FogExtinctionDistance;
//   float4 FogInScattering[4];
//   float4 FogMaxHeight;
//   float4 FogMinHeight;
//   float4 FogStartDistance;
//   float3 LightInscatteringColor;
//   float4x4 LocalToWorld;
//   float4x4 ViewProjectionMatrix;
//   float bUseExponentialHeightFog;
// Registers:
//   Name                      Reg   Size
//   ------------------------- ----- ----
//   ViewProjectionMatrix      c0       4
//   CameraPosition            c4       1
//   LocalToWorld              c6       4
//   FogInScattering           c10      4
//   CameraRight               c14      1
//   CameraUp                  c15      1
//   bUseExponentialHeightFog  c16      1
//   ExponentialFogParameters  c17      1
//   ExponentialFogColor       c18      1
//   LightInscatteringColor    c19      1
//   ExponentialFogLightVector c20      1
//   FogDistanceScale          c21      1
//   FogExtinctionDistance     c22      1
//   FogStartDistance          c23      1
//   FogMinHeight              c24      1
//   FogMaxHeight              c25      1


// approximately 123 instruction slots used

Pixel Shader:

// Generated by Microsoft (R) HLSL Shader Compiler 9.27.952.3022
// Parameters:
//   float4 MinZ_MaxZRatio;
//   float NvStereoEnabled;
//   sampler2D NvStereoFixTexture;
//   sampler2D SceneColorTexture;
//   float4 ScreenPositionScaleBias;
//   sampler2D Texture2D_0;
//   sampler2D Texture2D_1;
//   sampler2D Texture2D_2;
//   sampler2D Texture2D_3;
//   float UniformPixelScalar_17;
//   float UniformPixelScalar_18;
//   float UniformPixelScalar_20;
//   float UniformPixelScalar_21;
//   float4 UniformPixelVector_0;
//   float4 UniformPixelVector_1;
//   float4 UniformPixelVector_2;
//   float4 UniformPixelVector_3;
//   float4 UniformPixelVector_4;
// Registers:
//   Name                    Reg   Size
//   ----------------------- ----- ----
//   UniformPixelVector_0    c0       1
//   ScreenPositionScaleBias c1       1
//   MinZ_MaxZRatio          c2       1
//   NvStereoEnabled         c3       1
//   UniformPixelVector_1    c4       1
//   UniformPixelVector_2    c5       1
//   UniformPixelVector_3    c6       1
//   UniformPixelVector_4    c7       1
//   UniformPixelScalar_17   c8       1
//   UniformPixelScalar_18   c9       1
//   UniformPixelScalar_20   c10      1
//   UniformPixelScalar_21   c11      1
//   SceneColorTexture       s0       1
//   NvStereoFixTexture      s1       1
//   Texture2D_0             s2       1
//   Texture2D_1             s3       1
//   Texture2D_2             s4       1
//   Texture2D_3             s5       1

    def c12, 1.5, 1, 0.5, -1
    def c13, 0, 2, 0.100000001, 1
    def c14, 8, 0.800000012, 0.0625, 0
    def c15, 65503, 512, -0.00100000005, 1000
    dcl_texcoord4 v0
    dcl_texcoord5 v1.xyw
    dcl_texcoord v3.xy
    dcl_2d s0
    dcl_2d s1
    dcl_2d s2
    dcl_2d s3
    dcl_2d s4
    dcl_2d s5
    nrm, v2
    mad, r0.z, c13.xxyw, -r0
    mov, c12
    add_pp, r1, c0
    mov r2.xy, c4
    mad r2.xy, v3, r2, c5
    texld r2, r2, s2
    mov r3.xy, c6
    mad r2.xz, v3.xyyw, r3.xyyw, c7.xyyw
    texld r3, r2.xzzw, s3
    mad r0.w, r2.y, r3.y, c13.z
    mad r0.w, r0.w, c12.x, c12.w
    mov r1.w, c13.w
    mad r0.w, c8.x, r0.w, r1.w
    add r0.z, r0.z, c14.x
    mul r0.z, r0.z, c14.y
    rsq r0.z, r0.z
    mad r2.x, r0.x, r0.z, c12.z
    mov r2.y, v3.y
    texld r2, r2, s4
    mad r0.xy, r0, r0.z, c12.z
    texld r3, r0, s5
    mul r0.x, r2.x, r3.x
    mul r0.x, r0.x, r0.w
    mul r0.x, r0.x, c9.x
    mul r0.y, c10.x, v1.w
    min r2.x, r0.y, c13.w
    mul r0.x, r0.x, r2.x
    abs r0.y, c3.x
    if_ne c3.x, -c3.x
      texld r2, c14.zwzw, s1
      add r0.z, -r2.y, v1.w
      mad r2.x, r2.x, r0.z, v1.x
      mov r2.yz, v1.xyww
      mov, c13.x
    cmp r0.yzw, -r0.y, v1.xxyw, r2.xxyz
    rcp r0.w, r0.w
    mul r0.yz, r0.w, r0
    mad r0.yz, r0, c1.xxyw, c1.xwzw
    texld_pp r2, r0.yzzw, s0
    min_pp r0.y, r2.w, c15.x
    mad r0.y, r0.y, c2.z, -c2.w
    rcp_pp r0.y, r0.y
    add r0.z, r1.w, -c11.x
    mul r0.w, r0.z, c15.y
    add r0.y, r0.y, -v1.w
    mad r0.z, r0.z, c15.y, c15.z
    rcp r0.w, r0.w
    cmp r0.z, r0.z, r0.w, c15.w
    mul_sat r0.y, r0.z, r0.y
    mul_pp oC0.w, r0.y, r0.x
    mad_pp, r1, v0.w, v0
//Disable annoying bloom effect
mov oC0.xyzw, c14.wwww

// approximately 58 instruction slots used (6 texture, 52 arithmetic)