Driver Profile Settings

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Revision as of 03:12, 15 December 2016 by DarkStarSword (Talk | contribs)

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This page is a work in progress - feel free to expand it with extra knowledge, before & after screenshots, etc.



The recommended tool for working with profiles is NVIDIA Profile Inspector or later due to its ability to decrypt internal settings.

Latest continuous integration build

Source code

Forum thread (note that the download linked from here does not yet support decrypting internal settings)

3DMigoto 1.2.50 now has built in support for working with driver profiles, including decrypting and logging the current profile in d3d11_log.txt, and making any changes necessary when the game is launched.

Obsolete tools:

NVIDIA Profile Inspector or older

NVIDIA Inspector or older (English mirror)

GeForce 3D Profile Manager

NVIDIA Inspector Custom Stereo Settings Names

NVIDIA Inspector (old versions): Download this CustomSettingNames_en-EN.xml file to replace the one from NVIDIA Inspector, which will add all the settings listed on this page to the Stereo category.

NVIDIA Profile Inspector: This program automatically decodes most setting names (you may need to select "Show unknown settings from NVIDIA predefined profiles" to see them). There are some exceptions - most notably the all important StereoProfile setting is missing. You can use the XML file linked above, but name it 'CustomSettingNames.xml' (i.e. remove the '_en-EN'). An updated version will be submitted upstream.

Important note about encoding of "Internal" Settings

Some profiles are shipped with the internal settings flag set on certain settings. These show up with "InternalSettingFlag=V0" in Geforce Profile Manager, but there is no easy way to distinguish them in NVIDIA Inspector. These settings are encrypted and the values read out with these tools will not match any of the documentation here. Further, if they are written back with NVIDIA Inspector, the flag will be cleared and they will become corrupt. Geforce Profile Manager allows them to be written back with the flag intact avoiding the corruption, but still does not help understand them.

A script to decipher these values from Geforce Profile Manager is available: here

NVIDIA Profile Inspector or later can correctly decode these, and is now the recommended tool for working with driver profiles. Version Latest build

3DMigoto 1.2.50 and later includes support for logging and updating driver profiles, and correctly handles encrypted settings. The undocumented option [Logging] dump_all_profiles=1 can be used to have it decrypt and log every profile instead of just the ones relevant to the game being run.

Notes on settings with multiple IDs

Some settings on this page are listed with two or three IDs. This is not fully understood yet. Generally you should stick to the first value listed, but if a profile also lists the second or third value in this list it might be used in place of the first (however a given profile will only use a specific ID out of the second or third in the list).

The following settings have multiple IDs:

Name Primary ID 1st Alternate ID 2nd Alternate ID
StereoConvergence 0x708DB8C5 0x7077BACE 0x7084807E
LaserSight 0x7058B6E1 0x7031A2E7 0x7045B752
FrustumAdjustMode 0x70A1411A 0x70ED1DA7 0x70F475A0
StereoTextureEnable 0x70EDB381 0x70E1518C 0x70C0125E
Rhwinf 0x706E1913 0x70CC286A 0x70A3FEE6
Rhwscr 0x70A4995C 0x7030B071 0x70B57ED1
InGameLaserSight 0x7064F0C2 0x70DD2585 0x70E7ADAD
StereoCutoffDepthNear 0x7050E011 0x704EF483 0x7031DE06
StereoCutoff 0x709A1DDF 0x704FCF5C 0x7053569A
DX10VSCBNumber 0x70F8E408 0x70F64A32

StereoProfile (AKA The Mystery Stereo Setting) 0x701EB457

This setting is known to be very important to stereo profiles. We now know it's official name is STEREO_STEREOPROFILE, and will be referred to as "StereoProfile" in future releases of NVIDIA Profile Inspector.


- The mere existance of this setting on a DX9 profile will enable Stereo in windowed mode, regardless of the value.

- This setting is required to enable a lot of stereo related code in the driver.

- Certain other stereo settings (e.g. StereoTextureEnable) may be ignored without this setting.

- If this is missing in a profile, attempting to save the profile with Ctrl+F7 will not work, and will restore the default convergence instead. It has been noted that adding this setting to the base profile can solve this globally, but may cause the monitor to switch to stereo mode when using certain 2D applications (e.g. VS2015), which may be undesirable in some cases.

Bit Definitions

Missing Not a stereo profile (Certain things will not work, including saving the profile via Ctrl+F7)
0x00000000 Not a stereo profile (Certain things will not work - need to confirm exactly what differs compared to missing)
0x00000001 Stereo profile (everything will work)
0x2241AB21 Encrypted, upgrade NVIDIA Profile Inspector

Notable Settings

StereoTextureEnable (0x70edb381 / 0x70e1518c / 0x70c0125e)

- Controls the heuristics that determines which render targets & Z buffers are stereoised and which are not.

- Controls the heuristics that determines in what situations the stereo correction formula will be applied.

- Some bits are used for specific games.


- Setting this to all F's will turn a game into mono, suggesting that some high bits might filter out some render targets, rather than enabling them.

Bit Definitions

Contact DarkStarSword or Bo3b privately for a complete list of bit definitions for this setting.

Chiri determined a number of these (see this post)

0x00000001 [ET] = Stereoize render target textures which are of size or exceeding the size of the backbuffer (and are not square).
0x00000002 [ESMT] = Stereoize all non square render target textures smaller then backbuffer.
0x00000004 [ESQT] = Stereoize sqare render target textures.
0x00000008 [DBBST] = ???
0x00000010 [DBBS] = ???

Known Values

This only lists known values of games using the high bits (0x10000 and above), since the meaning of the low bits are all known. These high bits are believed to be for game specific quirks:

0x0001xxxx MX vs. ATV Reflex, Prince of Persia - The Forgotten Sands, Prince of Persia(gameinterpreters_rd.exe)
0x0002xxxx Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, EverQuest II, F.E.A.R. 2: Project Origin, F.E.A.R. 2: Project Origin(Demo), Lost Planet: Colonies Edition, Serious Sam II, Vizerra Viewer
0x0003xxxx Time of Shadows
0x0004xxxx BioShock 2
0x0010xxxx Kane & Lynch 2: Dog days, Need for Speed: World, R.U.S.E., Super Street Fighter IV
0x0020xxxx Tom Clancy's H.A.W.X. 2
0x00c0xxxx Battlefield: Bad Company 2, BFBC2Game_dx10
0x0100xxxx AngleLib
0x0200xxxx Ashes of the Singularity, F1 2015 DX12, Fable Legends, Sid Meier's Civilization VI
0x0400xxxx Rise of the Tomb Raider
0x0800xxxx Gears of War 4
0x2000xxxx World of Tanks
0x8000xxxx Need for Speed: Shift, Resident Evil 5

Default Value

If not specified in a profile, the driver appears to use 0x23 as the default.

StereoUseMatrix (0x70e34a78)

- Able to automatically fix halo type issues in many games

Known Values

0x00000000 Disabled (only vertex output position will be adjusted by the driver)
0x00000001 Enabled (other texcoord outputs based on the position will be adjusted by the driver)
0x1945B570 Encrypted, upgrade NVIDIA Profile Inspector

StereoFlagsDX10 (0x702442fc)

- Able to resolve mono depth buffer issues in DirectX 11 games, such as Far Cry 4 and Ryse: Son of Rome.

Bit Definitions

0x00008000 STEREO_COMPUTE_SAME_RESOURCES_AS_GRAPHICS - "stereorize the same resources as for graphics (do not mark all UAVs as stereorizable)"
0x00004000 STEREO_COMPUTE_ENABLE - enables running compute shaders once for each eye. Fixes mono depth buffer issue in Far Cry 4 (SLI users can alternatively resolve this with custom SLI compatibility bits), Witcher 3, and other games.
0x00000024 One of these two bits negated the separation value reported to 3Dmigoto in Far Cry 4

Known Values

0x00000001 Far Cry 2 (DX10 version)
0x00000004 Crysis, Civilisation V
0x00000008 3DMark Vantage
0x000000E0 Resident Evil 5
0x00000200 Crysis 3, Battlefield 3
0x00000400 Batman: Arkham City, Metro 2033
0x00001000 Passion Leads Army Benchmark
0x00002000 Titanfall
0x00002004 Crysis Warhead
0x00004000 Max Payne 3, Far Cry 4 (352.86+), The Witcher 3, Batman: Arkham Knight, The Park
0x00034000 Metro: Last Light
0x1C22FE24 Encrypted, upgrade NVIDIA Profile Inspector

StereoCutoff (0x709a1ddf / 0x704fcf5c / 0x7053569a)

Present in almost all Stereo profiles, but meaning unknown. My complete guess is that it may be related to driver heuristics to decide when the stereo correction formula is applied (e.g. for UI elements)?

Possible Values

0x00000000 Unknown
0x00000001 Default
0x00000002 Use StereoCutoffDepthNear
0x00000004 Use StereoCutoffDepthFar
0x00000008 Unknown

Other values are invalid.


- Setting this to 0x00000000 broke shadows in Miasmata

Observations from D-Man11 (see this post)

Note: the values below have been edited from the original post to use the setting names and their decrypted values.

Interesting thing is, if you apply the TR: Underworld profile, the UI text doesn't split, just the background.

Messing around with Legend, I found that StereoCutoffDepthNear = 25.0 and Setting StereoCutoff = 0x00000002 were the responsible flags from the Anniversary profile to stop the UI from splitting. Either by itself would not do anything.

If I just added them to the existing Legend profile, it wouldn't work, something was stopping it. (DarkStarSword's note - this may have been because they were encrypted. This experiment should be repeated)

If I deleted everything from the Legend profile, excluding StereoProfile = 0x00000001 (which is needed, if you remove it, the profile defaults to generic) and added the 2 flags from Anniversary, the UI would not split.

   StereoCutoffDepthNear = 0x41c80000 (25.0) // is exclusive to TR: Anniversary
   StereoCutoff          = 0x00000002 // is found in 26 other profiles
   StereoProfile         = 0x00000001 // is found in 2110 profiles

So the above 3 settings need to be present and there must not be any current settings in the profile to block the effect.

I did not bother to find the offending setting in the original Legend profile.

More Settings

StereoConvergence (0x708db8c5 / 0x7077bace / 0x7084807e)

Stores the convergence value of a profile as a floating point value.

Default Value: 4.0

Comments (0x704d456e) - text

Stores the comments displayed in the green text by the driver.

Developer_Issues (0x704f5928) - text

Alternate setting for the comments displayed in the green text by the driver.

StereoMemoEnabled (0x707f4b45)

0x00000000 Green text disabled
0x00000001 Green text enabled

Compat (0x7051e5f5) - text

Selects the 3D Vision rating in the green text:

"0": "3D Vision Ready"

"1": "Excellent"

"2": "Good"

"3": "Fair"

"4": "Not Recommended"

"5": "Not Recommended"

Other observed values: "-1", "101", "102"

Default value? (crashes): "1000"

PF_Issues (0x704cde5a) - text

Comma separated list of letters corresponding to the following issues listed in the green text:

A: "Incorrect 3D object placement"

B: "Text/Objects are small and difficult to use"

C: "Objects clipped at sides of monitor"

D: "Incorrect clipping of subviews"

E: "Mixed 2D and 3D objects in Pop-up or HUD"

F: "Gunsight or Pointer is 2D object"

G: "Issues with setup screens with stereo on"

H: "Text highlight for 3D objects is at incorrect depth"

I: "Bright colors on dark background produce ghosting"

J: "Excessive use of 2D makes stereo look flat"

K: Nothing (any more?), but a lot of profiles still mention this

Compatibility Mode Settings

Helifax created a guide with more information about these settings: Guide: How to Enable and TWEAK 3D Compatibility Mode in any DX11 Game

2DDHUDSettings (0x709adada)

Controls the compatibility mode settings - overall 3D strength, heuristics to pin the HUD at screen depth, rating.

Observations from Losti

The below post has been decrypted. The original post is here.

So i have did some investigations with the nvidia used values and i discovered that:

(For Dragon Age: Inquisition)

0x10000002 high depth UI and world
0x1000000a high depth UI and world
0x1000001a high depth UI and world
0x20000002 high depth UI and world
0x2000000a high depth UI and world
0x10000015 no Depth, UI only right eye
0x10000102 low depth UI and world
0x20000006 UI @ screen dempth world high deph
0x51000002 Game will not have CM
0x11000006 Game will not have CM
0x11000002 Game will not have CM
0x41000002 Game will not have CM
0x21000006 Game will not have CM
0x21000002 Game will not have CM

own tests:

0x20000006 UI @ screen dempth world high deph
0x20000007 high depth UI and world
0x10000036 UI @ screen depth world high deph
0x10000106 UI @ screen depth world very-LOW deph EXCELLENT RATING-TEXT
0x20000106 UI @ screen depth world very-LOW deph GOOD RATING-TEXT
0x20000306 application unknown, no CM
0x10000306 very low Depth, UI only right eye
0x10000606 UI @ screen depth world high deph
0x10000706 very low Depth, UI only right eye
0x10000007 UI @ screen depth world high deph, UI only rigth eye
0x10000001 all is 2D
0x10000000 all is 2D, ALT+TAB=crash
0x10000003 crash
0x1000000d all is 2D, UI only right eye
0x1000000c all is 2D, UI only right eye

i think the use of the numbers at the begining (0x20 and 0x10 is fot he GOD or EXCELLENT rating text display)

006 at the end will give me UI at screen-depth and a 3D world.

002 at the end will give me UI and a 3D world.

2DDConvergence (0x709adadb)

Disable2DD (0x709adadd)

User setting to disable compatibility mode, usually set via hotkey.

0x00000000 Compatibility mode enabled (if supported)
0x00000001 Compatibility mode disabled via Ctrl+Alt+F11

2DD_Notes (0x709adadc) - text

Notes displayed when compatibility mode is enabled

VR Direct Settings

These settings have appeared in recent drivers and are believed to be related to VR Direct:

StereoVRConvergenceBias (0x708db8c6)

StereoVRRefreshRateOverride (0x708db8c8)

StereoVRVsync (0x708db8c9)

Laser Sight Settings

TsaebehT created a guide with more information about these settings: Guide: Correcting/Off-Centering LaserSight

LaserSightEnabled (0x7054837a)

0x00000000 Laser sight disabled
0x00000001 Laser sight enabled

LaserXAdjust (0x7057e831)

Horizontal adjustment encoded as a hex float between 0.0 (left) and 2.0 (right). Default: 1.0 (center)

LaserYAdjust (0x70225308)

Horizontal adjustment encoded as a hex float between 0.0 (top) and 2.0 (bottom). Default: 1.0 (center)

LaserZAdjust (0x7014fca2)

0x3f800000 Enables dynamic laser sight depth
other Laser sight is either at screen depth or infinity

LaserSightProperty (0x7032243a)

Governs the laser sight opacity

LaserSightTrigger (0x70031b88)

Known Values

0x00000002 Gears of War

InGameLaserSight (0x7064f0c2 / 0x70dd2585 / 0x70e7adad)


Used in many Source games, e.g. HL2, LFD2

InGameLaserSightDX9States (0x706139ad)


Used in certain Source games

LaserSight (0x7058b6e1 / 0x7031a2e7 / 0x7045b752)

LaserSightFile (0x707ac50d)

LaserSightIndex (0x70da83c6)

StereoLaserSightMaxCount (0x70bc864d)

StereoLaserSightCount (0x70077042)

Laser Sight Key Bindings

ToggleLaserSight (0x70b7bd1f)

Only works when set via the Registry and not via a Profile.

LaserAdjustXMinus (0x7048b7dc)

Doesn't seem to work via registry or profile.

LaserAdjustXPlus (0x70d8bae6)

Doesn't seem to work via registry or profile.

LaserAdjustYMinus (0x70fb9e1e)

Doesn't seem to work via registry or profile.

LaserAdjustYPlus (0x7024eda4)

Doesn't seem to work via registry or profile.

Misc Key Bindings

These are believed to be key bindings due to their names. These will override the global key bindings in the registry. Some of these settings may not work at all in recent drivers.

There is a good guide for how these are encoded here: Modifying All 3D Vision Control Key Combinations as You Need

StereoToggle (0x70d76b8b)

Toggles Stereo on and off (Default: Ctrl+T)

StereoSeparationAdjustLess (0x705d1e02)

Reduce separation (Default: Ctrl+F4)

StereoSeparationAdjustMore (0x70ab8d32)

Increase separation (Default: Ctrl+F5)

StereoConvergenceAdjustLess (0x70d4add7)

Reduce convergence (Default: Ctrl+F5)

StereoConvergenceAdjustMore (0x701ed576)

Increase Convergence (Default: Ctrl+F6)

SaveStereoImage (0x70121853)

Save a stereo screenshort (Default: Alt+F1)

WriteConfig (0x700498b3)

Save the current convergence to a user profile (Default: Ctrl+F7)

DeleteConfig (0x70c73ba2)

Delete the game's user profile (Default: Alt+F7)

GammaAdjustMore (0x703f4521)

GammaAdjustLess (0x70e8420c)

StereoVerticalAdjustMore (0x7087fe61)

StereoVerticalAdjustLess (0x703acfc6)

StereoHorizontalAdjustMore (0x70062f07)

StereoHorizontalAdjustLess (0x70871a39)

ToggleAutoConvergence (0x70085de3)

NOTE: AFAIK this was never implemented

ToggleAutoConvergenceRestore (0x703bc51e)

NOTE: AFAIK this was never implemented

RHWAtScreenMore (0x7066a22e)

RHWAtScreenLess (0x709139ad)

RHWLessAtScreenMore (0x704e4bca)

RHWLessAtScreenLess (0x70b378a1)

CutoffNearDepthLess (0x70d1bdb5)

CutoffNearDepthMore (0x7020c991)

CutoffFarDepthLess (0x704c9a46)

CutoffFarDepthMore (0x70fbc04d)

CutoffStepLess (0x704b45c7)

CutoffStepMore (0x700f2971)

GlassesDelayPlus (0x701fc5b4)

NOTE: Believed to no longer work in recent drivers

GlassesDelayMinus (0x70b8a743)

NOTE: Believed to no longer work in recent drivers

Unidentified Settings

These setting names were found in the driver, but their purpose or whether they are even functional is unknown:

Time (0x70ad05c8)

RunTimeName (0x701a8be4) - text

EnableConsumerStereoSupport (0x70cb9168)

StereoViewer (0x704915a1)

StereoViewerType (0x708f9ef7)

ShowAllViewerTypes (0x708e5cb4)

StereoAdjustEnable (0x70538ab1)

StereoDisableTnL (0x70633bd9)

StereoTransformationType (0x70c27e3c)

StereoSeparation (0x70933c00)

StereoSeparationStep (0x7082555b)

StereoConvergenceMultiplier (0x70efbb5b)

Default value: 5.0

RHW2DDetectionMin (0x7029432b)

RHWGreaterAtScreen (0x702c861a)

RHWEqualAtScreen (0x70ab2e09)

RHWLessAtScreen (0x70381472)

AutoConvergence (0x702a0ab2)

AutoConvergenceAdjustPace (0x70bf3c6b)

StereoToggleMode (0x70d76b8c)

StereoSuggestSettings (0x706315af)

StereoUnsuggestSettings (0x7017861c)

FavorSZ (0x705faed7)

StereoPointer (0x70364596)

GameSpecific0 (0x702244b7)

StereoDefaultOn (0x70ab30a7)

FrustumAdjustMode (0x70a1411a / 0x70ed1da7 / 0x70f475a0)

MonitorSize (0x7086ebe9)

MaxMonitorSize (0x7032022c)

MaxVertexCount (0x709e4a94)

PartialClearMode (0x709794cc)

StereoRefreshDefaultOn (0x702ba385)

MixedTnL (0x70bd11e0)

StereoGamma (0x70c8b5d1)

LineCodeColor (0x70dc4a12)

LeftAnaglyphFilter (0x70d51cd1)

RightAnaglyphFilter (0x70f4a930)

InterleavePattern0 (0x70b1c8cc)

InterleavePattern1 (0x7091a772)

StereoForceVSync (0x70aae185)

StereoColorKey (0x70e5773b)

ZDirection (0x70b17872)

StereoCompatibility (0x70a2000e)

LeftColorFilter0 (0x70ac6888)

LeftColorFilter1 (0x7090b6ca)

RightColorFilter0 (0x70b9a2f7)

RightColorFilter1 (0x70aca0cc)

SharpVPI (0x706e0041)

StereoMode (0x701baa09)

Watchdog (0x700a5654)

StereoOSDEnable (0x70f455aa)

StereoOrthoEnable (0x703564f6)

StereoNotSupported (0x709aa171)

ModesetWarning (0x70969bb0)

StereoFirstTime (0x70af6400)

StereoRefreshRate (0x70ded3c0)

GameConfigs (0x704a905a)

CompareEyes (0x70729e58)

CompareFrom (0x70efb726)

StereoImageType (0x7097906c)

SnapShotQuality (0x7004e7a6)

NoLockSubstitute (0x7005ad16)

PushbufSubstituteSize (0x7054fbf8)

DiscardHotkeys (0x70175566)

StereoLCDPatternType (0x707cfb97)

GlassesSwitchDelay (0x70057bb6)

Valid values appear to be between 5 <= GlassesSwitchDelay < 95

StartZBit (0x7044d7a6)

DisableOnOutOfMemory (0x70c71508)

StereoWindowedEnable (0x709b3484)

AllowNonExclusiveStereo (0x702c7709)

Rhwinf (0x706e1913 / 0x70cc286a / 0x70a3fee6)

Rhwscr (0x70a4995c / 0x7030b071 / 0x70b57ed1)

Zinf (0x70fc13ad)

Zscr (0x707f0e69)

StereoCutoffDepthNear (0x7050e011 / 0x704ef483 / 0x7031de06)

StereoCutoffDepthFar (0x70add220)

EnableCE (0x702b8c95)

MediaPlayer (0x70a8fc7f)

StereoDX9 (0x70d10d2b)

StereoMsgVerticalOffset (0x70160ebf)

StereoEasyZCheck (0x70b6d6ed)

StereoStrictLSCheck (0x709bc378)

StereoDisableAsync (0x70de5533)

EnablePartialStereoBlit (0x7096eced)

StereoNoDepthOverride (0x709dea62)

StereoShaderMatrixCheck (0x7044f8fb)

StereoLogShaders (0x7052bdd0)

StereoEpsilon (0x70e5a749)

DelayedStereoDesktop (0x7042eef1)

DX10VSCBNumber (0x70f8e408 / 0x70f64a32 )

DX10DSCBNumber (0x70092d4a)

StereoMiscFlags (0x70ccb5f0)

StereoHiddenProfile (0x70e46f20)

StereoLinkDll (0x70e46f2a) - text

Appears to be a comma separated list of files to search for. At a guess, if this setting is present these files either must or must not exist for stereo to engage.

EnableStereoCursor (0x70e46f2b)

CreateStereoDTAfterPresentNum (0x70a7fc7f)

Date_Rel (0x705fafec) - text

May contain the release date in the form YYYY-MM-DD 00:00:00

Game (0x70c8d48e) - text

Style (0x709cc5e0) - text

Contains the game's genre, such as "Action", etc.

Publisher (0x706c7030) - text

Lists the game's publisher.

Developer (0x703c4026) - text

Lists the game's developer.

API (0x70b5603f) - text

Usually contains "D3D", other observed values include "d3d", "D3d", "D3D_", "OGL_" and "S/W"

Value (0x7049c7ec)

Observed values: "0", "0.0", "1", "1.0", "2", "2.0", "3", "3.0", "4", "4.0", "5", "5.0", "101.0", "102.0"

P1SH0 (0x70998683) - text

V1SH0 (0x70e6a3cf) - text

PSH0 (0x7046516e) - text

VSH0 (0x708b7af8) - text

VSH1 (0x708b7af9) - text

VSH2 (0x708b7afa) - text

VSH3 (0x708b7afb) - text

VSH4 (0x708b7afc) - text

VSH5 (0x708b7afd) - text

VSH6 (0x708b7afe) - text

VSH7 (0x708b7aff) - text

VSH8 (0x708b7b00) - text

VSH9 (0x708b7b01) - text

VSH10 (0x708b7b02) - text

Registry Settings

These are settings discovered in the 3D Vision driver that are not listed in the profile table, meaning they can only be set via the registry or (in some cases) control panel. Other settings on this page may (or may not) also be placed in the registry.

On a 64bit OS these settings are under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\NVIDIA Corporation\Global\Stereo3D

This section is incomplete.


Overrides MonitorSize, but is not reset constantly making it a superior option to depth hacks.


Enables the use of driver profiles.


That's not a hex value - that's a literal name of a possible registry key, including the "0x".

































More Registry Settings

On a 64bit OS these settings are under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\NVIDIA Corporation\Global\Stereo3DPersistent

3D Vision
